PENAOQ: Jurnal Sastra, Budaya dan Pariwisata 2022-11-01T02:37:32+08:00 Muhammad Dedad Bisaraguna Akastangga Open Journal Systems <p><strong>PENAOQ : Jurnal Sastra, Budaya dan Pariwisata, </strong>dengan nomor terdaftar <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">P-ISSN 2721-7140</a></strong>&nbsp;dan <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-ISSN 2721-8708</a></strong>, adalah jurnal peer-review, tersedia dalam bentuk cetak dan online yang diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun (Mei dan Oktober) diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Sastra Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram. Jurnal PENAOQ menjadi media bagi para dosen, peneliti, akademisi, professional, dan mahasiswa untuk aktif berkarya dalam menulis baik dalam bentuk penelitian atau studi kasus yang berkaitan dengan kesusastraan Arab, kesusastraan Inggris, kesusastraan Indonesia, kebudayaan dan kepariwisataan. Jurnal PENAOQ memberi peluang seluas-luasnya dan menerima makalah penelitian berkualitas, studi kasus, makalah, membahas literatur, membahas buku, analisis kesusastraan, kebudayaan, maupun kepariwisataan.</p> English DISKRIMINASI DALAM NOVEL THE PEARL KARYA JOHN STEINBEICK 2022-11-01T00:13:07+08:00 Amalia Najwa Sheiland <p><em>This research entitled is “Diskriminasi dalam Novel The Pearl Karya John Steinbeick”. The purpose of this study are to describe any kinds of discrimination that reflected on The Pearl novel. This study used descriptive qualitative method by using sosiological approach to literary works. The data collection techniques that used in this research is literature study. The data used are primary and secondary data from The Pearl novel. Data analysis was carried out by reading and understanding The Pearl novel as a whole, making a synopsis, describing how the describe of discriminations and causative factors itself, and making conclusions. The results of this study show that there’s some kinds of discrimination happened in the novel, discrimination due to racial differences and differences in status or social class.</em></p> 2022-10-28T06:22:33+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PSIKOLOGI KEPRIBADIAN HUMANISTIK TOKOH DORY DALAM FILM “FINDING DORY” 2022-11-01T00:13:07+08:00 Dhea Sophia Ananda <p>This study focuses on analyzing the Hierarchy of Needs by the main character named Dory of the animated film titled Finding Dory which was produced by Pixar Animation Studios in 2016. This study aims to examine the elements of the hierarchy of needs applied by the main character named Dory by using Abraham Maslow's theory. The qualitative descriptive method is applied in this study. This study used the observation technique as data collection technique to carefully collect the needed data. Research data is presented in written form collected from dialogues and digital film scripts. The results of the study found that there are five stages of Hirearchy Needs manifested by the main character of Finding Dory such as: psychological needs, safety needs, belonginess and love needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs.&nbsp;</p> 2022-10-31T17:16:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Gangguan Kecemasan Pada Tokoh Cath Dalam Novel Fangirl Karya Rainbow Rowell 2022-11-01T00:13:07+08:00 Fadlah Wulansani <p><em>This research is entitled Anxiety Disorders in Cath Characters in Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl Novel. The purpose of this study is to describe anxiety disorders in the character Cath in the novel Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. The method that will be used is descriptive qualitative method. The theory that will be used focuses on the Psychoanalytic theory by Sigmund Freud, using the concepts of consciousness and the unconscious mind. The result of this study is that anxiety disorders have the concept of awareness and unconsciousness of a person's mind that can affect the way he faces reality.</em></p> 2022-10-31T17:23:03+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Form of Social Problems of Female Characters in The House On Mango Street Novel by Sandra Cisneros 2022-11-01T00:13:07+08:00 Nathasya Nur Aprilla <p><strong><em>Abstrack</em></strong></p> <p><em>The House On Mango Street is a novel by Mexican-American author Sandra Cisneros published in 1984 about a girl who has experienced all the joy, fear, challenge, and exciting transformation into a teenager in hispanic environment in america. The purpose of this study is to clarify what&nbsp; social problems&nbsp; the female characters in Sandra Cisneros's novel The House on Mango Street are experiencing. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method using a literary and sociological approach. The subject of this research is the social issue of Sandra Cisneros's novel The House on Mango Street. The subject of this study is the novel "House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros. The data in this study are&nbsp; words,&nbsp; expressions, and dialogues between characters that show problems encountered in the story.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Sociology of literature,</em> <em>Social problems, &nbsp;The House On Manggo Street</em></p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Main Character's Point of View on 'Book' in Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury 2022-11-01T00:13:07+08:00 Sayu Asmarita <p><em>Fahrenheit 451 is a novel that was written by American author, Ray Bradbury. This novel tells about book burning. As all we know, in a reality book has a great role for our life, because it contains of knowledge, information, experience and other useful thing. Meanwhile, in Fahrenheit 451 books must be burned. This phenomenon raises a question ‘why does the books must be burned?’. This study will describe point of view of the characters about book in Fahrenheit 451 according to Nurgiyantoro (2013). This study uses qualitative descriptive method. Objective approach is used in this study to understand the point of view of the characters because, it focuses on intrinsic elements analysis. The result of this study describes </em><em>the five main characters’s point of view on ‘book’ </em><em>in Fahrenheit 451</em><em>.</em></p> 2022-10-31T17:35:54+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Makna Simbol dalam Novel The Fault In Our Stars karya John Green 2022-11-01T00:13:08+08:00 Yudi Bahtiar Permana Putra <p>Penelitian yang berjudul “Makna Simbol dalam Novel <em>The Fault In Our Stars</em> karya John Green” mencoba untuk mengungkap makna tersembunyi yang disampaikan oleh pencipta melalui tanda-tanda yang terkandung dalam karyanya. Analisis tanda dalam novel ini menggunakan pendekatan semantik Tarigan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan simbol dalam novel <em>The Fault In Our Stars</em>. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan penelitian yang berfokus pada makna tanda simbol.</p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERJUANGAN KISAH CINTA TOKOH UTAMA DALAM NOVEL THE SUN IS ALSO A STAR KARYA NICOLA YOON 2022-11-01T00:13:08+08:00 Klarisa Klarisa <p>This research is entitled The Struggle of Love Stories in the Novel The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon. The main character named Natsha Kingsley, a Jamaican girl who is tall in New York City is battling the deportation that the American government will carry out against her family. Natasha is also a realistic woman who doesn't believe in love and struggles to keep her family from being deported. However, her meeting with Daniel by chance, makes things complicated. Therefore, the American government plans to deport them today. This study aims to describe how the main character in Nicola Yoon's novel The Sun Is Also A Star and the struggle of the main character's love story in Nicola Yoon's novel The Sun Is Also A Star. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive qualitative research is one type of research that is included in the type of qualitative research. The purpose of this study is to reveal events or facts, circumstances, phenomena, variables and circumstances that occurred during the study by presenting what actually happened. The approach applied is the Sociology of Literature. The sociology of literature is a reflective branch of literary research. This research is in great demand by researchers who want to see literature as a mirror of people's lives. Sociology of literature is research that focuses on human problems.<br>Keywords: Sun is also a Star, Qualitative, Sociology of Literature</p> 2022-10-31T17:46:09+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## REPRESENTATION OF HISTORY, CULTURE, AND ECONOMY IN NOVEL OF RUNTUHNYA MENARA AZAN BY YANTI SOEPARMO 2022-11-01T02:37:32+08:00 Randa Anggarista, Riskin Tiara <p>Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan <em>new </em>historisme dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan representasi sejarah, budaya dan ekonomi dalam novel <em>Runtuhnya Menara Azan</em> karya Yanti Soeparno. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa satuan bahasa yang merefleksikan tentang representasi sejarah, budaya dan ekonomi. Adapun sumber data dalam penelitian ini yaitu novel <em>Runtuhnya Menara Azan</em> karya Yanti Soeparmo yang diterbitkan oleh Mizan Pustaka pada tahun 2009. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini yaitu penulis sendiri yang berorientasi pada penelitian tentang representasi sejarah, budaya dan ekonomi, dalam novel <em>Runtuhnya Menara Azan</em> karya Yanti Soeparmo. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik baca dan catat. Adapun teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan tahapan kategorisasi, penyajian, dan penarikan simpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa <em>pertama, </em>dalam novel <em>Runtuhnya Menara Azan</em> karya Yanti Soeparmo terefleksi representasi sejarah Indonesia mengenai peristiwa pencurian dan pembantaian massal yang dilakukan oleh rakyat Bumiputera terhadap bangsa Eropa yang telah mengambil alih hak rakyat. <em>Kedua, </em>representasi budaya dalam novel <em>Runtuhnya Menara Azan</em> karya Yanti Soeparmo yaitu budaya barat yang meliputi penggunaan bahasa dan pembagian kelas terhadap orang-orang Bumipuetra. <em>Ketiga,</em> representasi ekonomi yang digambarkan dalam novel <em>Runtuhnya Menara Azan</em> karya Yanti Soeparmo merupakan suatu kondisi perekonomian yang lemah hingga mengakibatkan rakyat sengsara dan munculnya berbagai jenis penyakit, seperti busung lapar hingga menyebabkan kematian.</p> 2022-11-01T02:37:32+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##